PBA Tip of the Day brought to you by Joe Soltys with Assist Locksmith LLC (602) 315-3876.
Should you change your locks when you move into a new home? Joe has the answer!
Changing the locks on your home should be the first security priority when you move into your new home. Just because the previous owner handed you over all of their keys, does not mean there aren’t other keys floating out there. They may have given a key to someone they forgot, such as a neighbor or a babysitter. This would also apply to new apartment or home rentals as well! Don’t rely on the landlord to change the locks, and you never know if spare keys were made. Unfortunately, you can’t rely on pure good faith alone when it comes to security. Make sure all garage codes, and security codes are changed as well! For more information about changing your locks, give Joe a call today!