PBA Tip of the Day brought to you by Jeffrey Goldin with Southwest Sedan Service (602) 481-0894.
What is a risk to take into consideration when using a ride share service instead of a hired car? Jeffrey has the answer!
When a passenger gets into a car arranged by a ride-sharing app, he or she automatically agrees to a number of terms and conditions. If the driver gets into an accident and the passenger is hurt, there’s no guarantee that the driver’s insurance company or the ride-sharing service will pay for damages.
For example, a driver’s personal insurance company may decide that he or she was driving for profit and, for that reason, isn’t required to pay any medical bills. The passenger would then need to take the driver to court for damages, which can be a costly and time-consuming process. On the other hand, passengers can approach taxi companies directly regarding liability and other safety issues. Contact Jeffrey today to schedule your fully insured hired car service!